미주한인사회를대표하는온라인미디어K-NewsLA가Teen’s Press에서 활동할 제2기학생기자(Teen’sPress Reporter)를 모집합니다.
KNEWSLA 학생기자는한인커뮤니티,재학중인학교,활동 중인 봉사단체의소식은물론,한국문화,환경,도서및영화리뷰,정치및
이를통해 학생기자들은비판적이고창의적인글쓰기능력을 키울 수 있습니다.
학생기자가제출하는기사는심사를통해K-NewsLA웹사이트와 학생기자전용영어웹사이트에월1회이상게재됩니다.프로그램의
모든 과정은 온라인으로 진행됩니다.
- 활동기간:2025년2월~7월(6개월간)
- 지원대상:고등학생(2025년봄학기기준8-11학년)
- 지원서류및보낼곳:editor@knewsla.com
○ 500자이내영문자기소개서와사진
- 신청마감:02월15일
- 참가비:300달러(2025년2월~7월,6개월)
- 활동요건:월1회이상,전체활동 기간 중 최소 6개 기사작성 및 제출
○ 선발된 학생기자에게는학생기자증발급
○ 월1회이상,총6회이상기사를제출한학생기자에게활동
수료증(Certificate) 수여
○ 활동 종료 후 제출한 기사를 심사해 최고상1명,우수상
2명을선정하여 시상할 예정. 심사 대상자는 최소 6회 이상 기사 제출자에 한함.
[Apply Now for K-NewsLA Student Reporter Program 2nd Cohort!]
K-NewsLA, a leading online media outlet representing the Korean-American community, is now recruiting its 2nd cohort of student reporters (Teen’s Press Reporter).
We are seeking students in grades 8-12 who will actively participate in the program during the Spring 2025 semester.
Student reporters will have the opportunity to write articles on various topics such as Korean community news, school events, volunteer activities, Korean culture, environment, book and movie reviews, politics, and global issues. Through this program, participants will enhance their critical and creative writing skills.
Submitted articles will be reviewed and published at least once a month on the K-NewsLA website and the dedicated student reporter English website. All program activities will be conducted online.
● Program Duration: February 2025 – July 2025 (6 months)
● Eligibility: High school students (Grades 8-11 as of Spring 2025)
● Application Submission: Send required materials to editor@knewsla.com
- A self-introduction essay in English (within 500 words)
- A personal photo
● Application Deadline: January 31, 2025
● Participation Fee: $300 (covers the 6-month program, February–July)
● Activity Requirements: Submit at least 6 articles during the program (at least one article per month).
● Benefits:
- Selected student reporters will receive a Student Reporter ID.
- Students who submit at least 6 articles (one per month) will receive a Certificate of Completion.
- At the end of the program, articles will be evaluated, and the Best Award (1 student) and Excellence Awards (2 students) will be presented. Only students who submit a minimum of 6 articles will be eligible for consideration.